June 24-26 2025 in Savannah, Georgia is our next institute.
CLICK HERE to register early to ensure a seat or call 1-828-385-2930 to register. This is always a popular Institute and is scheduled at an excellent time to not interfere with production. Registration will be closed at the first 25 enrollees.

Institution Curriculum
0830 - Source of the Law
0900 - Break
0910 - Mine Safety & Health Act of 1977
1040 - Break
1050 - Sections 103,104, Citations, 104(d) S&S, Policy Manual Vol. 1
1230 - Lunch
1330 - Out house Citation exercise
1430 - Break
1450 - 30 CFR - Part 100 for fines, The Act Sec. 110, Penalties
1600 - First day ends
0800 - 0930 - 56.18002, Citation Exercises
0930 - 0945 - Break
0945 -11:00 - Guards Part 56 Standards
1100 -1200 - Sec 115, Part 46
1200 -1300 - Lunch
1300 - 1600 - Part 46
0800 - 0930 - Accident/Injury Investigation Reporting
0930 - 0945 - Break
0945 -1200 - Quarterly reports, Brake Testing, Citation Exercises
1200 -1300 - Lunch
1300 - Pre-inspection Preparation
1400 - Break
1410 - 1500 - Pre-inspection Conference, Health Surveys
1500 - Break
1510 - 1600 - MSHA Inspections, The Act, Sect. 105, Sect. 107, Special Investigation
0800 - Preparing for an MSHA Inspection
0900 - Continue Preparing for an MSHA Inspection
1015 - Break
1030 - Continue Preparing for an MSHA Inspection
1200 - 1300 Lunch
1300 - Final Remarks and
Presentation of Student
1400 - Institute ends

Institution Information
This course will cover all of the Federal mine safety laws and emphasize the training requirements of the ACT. Successful completion of the course will result in MSHA Part 46 instructor competence. This combination will allow your Managers, Supervisors, Safety officers to meet the inspectors on equal terms and reduce both citations and accidents. The $afepro Mine Safety and Health Law Manual Vol. X will be furnished to all students. Become aware of MSHA's recent activities and understand what you can do when MSHA comes knocking on your door.This is always a popular Institute and gives you the tools to best handle MSHA inspections. Registration will be closed at the first 25 enrollees.
Industry-active certified instructors and I will teach the Institute courses.
The cost of the course is $1,500.00.
Yours for $afe Production,
Dean Beam