June 24-26 2025 in Savannah, Georgia is our next institute.
CLICK HERE to register early to ensure a seat or call 1-828-385-2930 to register. This is always a popular Institute and is scheduled at an excellent time to not interfere with production. Registration will be closed at the first 25 enrollees.

Helpful Information
The number to call for immediately reportable accidents is
1-800-746-1553! Operators who have called their field and District offices instead of this number have been threatened with citations for alleged "failure to report within 15 minutes"!

Please make note that MSHA now has a FOIA Officer. All FOIA requests should go to the address below. This is the same address that is referenced in the Sample Letter!
U.S. Department of Labor - MSHA
FOIA Officer
1100 Wilson Blvd., Room 2314
Arlington, VA 22209-3939

Here is a letter from Mr. Johnson which you can use to make your FOIA requests. Just highlight and print it for your files. Submit your letter on company letterhead.
U.S. Department of Labor - MSHA
FOIA Officer
1100 Wilson Blvd., Room 2314
Arlington, VA 22209-3939
Phone: 202-693-9542
Fax: 202- 693-9441
Dear Mr. Wheel:
Under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 5 U.S.C. 552, I request all Inspection Field Notes and Pictures generated by Jerry Goober, AR # 0000, on event number 1026400 for property listed as Chemical Lime, MSHA I.D. 00-00000.
The inspection / citations dates were from 8/27/05 through 8/28/05.
We have requested a contestment for all citations. We feel that this information will be useful in helping us to prepare for the contestment.
My mailing address is as follows:
Chemical Lime Ltd.
P.O. Box 000
Clifton, Texas 00000
My fax number is (555) 555-5555.
If you have any questions, Please contact me at (555) 555-5555 ext. 555.
Thank You for Your Time,
Dennis Johnson
Regional Safety Manager

1. Net profits are people driven.
2. Management has the responsibility to establish and enforce policies.
3. People have the right and responsibility to manage their jobs within the policies.
4. The person exposed to a hazard is the expert as to whether or not he proceeds with the task.
5. If one manages his job, he takes accountability for its outcome.
6. If the possibility of personal injury exists, the job will not be done until made safe.
7. No person may be put into a position of choosing between following an unsafe order or safely earning a living for his family.
8. No one has the right to have an accident.
9. Each person improves his own future by his contributions to increased net profits.
10. Training is maintenance for the people.
11. A person cannot be held responsible for the bad results of a task assigned to him if he has not been trained in the correct procedures for performing the work.
12. The primary responsibility of each person is his personal safety and he has no right to compromise it.
13. When a person is injured or killed, the entire industry is diminished.
14. Government Agencies are not the Law. 300+ million Americans are the Law.
15. Breaking the Law is not an option.
16. $afe Production is doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.